Privacy policy.

Yellowstone Beerfest collects the information you provide us. From signing up for our newsletters to the forms you fill out. This information is collected and used to communicate news to you and keep you up-to-date with our content. Any information obtained is used to directly communicate with you per your submitted requests.

You have the choice to visit our website anonymously or choose to provide any of the following information, name, phone number, email, address, et al; however, at times we offer online ticket purchase for events and donations. These payments are made through Pay Pal, a private third-party processing and you can find their privacy policy here. We also offer Stripe as a payment option and their privacy policy can be found here.

How do we use your information?

We use your information in any of the following ways:

  • To make your experience with us more personalized, we want to make information and access to the website easier. 

  • To send you our newsletters, via email.

  • To have your information on file for volunteering or sponsoring an event.

  • To share event information with you through periodic emails.

  • To process any registration forms.

  • To process transactions for you as you purchase tickets.

  • To provide the best customer service.

Do we use cookies?

Our website does have Cookies, a small data file that provides us information to learn how our marketing efforts have performed. They provide key data telling us what products are most popular as well as provide information as to where you found our website. It is with this information we know how best to reach our audience. 

This data also provides us with analytics regarding how many unique visitors we have, whether you are visiting us on a mobile device, a tablet, or a desktop. This information tells us how best to format our site to make it easier for our largest demographic. We are also able to use the cookies to remember your "device" so you won't have to re-introducing yourself.

We have provided this information on this page to inform you that Cookies are being used. 

Do we disclose information to third parties?

We will not sell our list to any outside parties.

How does Yellowstone Beerfest secure my information? 

Our website is secured with Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, it is a technology that secures the connection between your browser and our website.

SSL provides three important security benefits:

  • Privacy: Encrypts the connection between the browser and web server and securely transmits information (like login credentials) to prevent unauthorized parties from eavesdropping.

  • Data integrity: Prevents unauthorized parties from altering data during transmission (when you contact us via our contact form or submit your email through our newsletter sign up).

  • Authentication: Protects against impersonation by requiring web server proof of identity.

On checkout pages, we’re Level 1 PCI compliant and use 128 bit SSL encryption. When you make a transaction on our site, none of your personal information (credit card, banking, or other financial information) is ever stored on our servers. Payment processing is done through Pay Pal, you can read their privacy policy here. Or you can choose to use Stripe, their privacy policy can be read here.

Click through links

Our website provides links to third party websites of businesses, organizations, and other providers we discuss on our website; However, our Privacy Policy does not cover or extend to any click through links and only covers this website and data collected on this website. 

Your consent

By use of this website you consent to our Privacy Policy. 

This policy may be updated. 

Updates to this Privacy Policy will be posted at the top of the page and dated for your convenience. 

You can contact Yellowstone Beerfest:

Should you have any questions you can contact us at